We are already in our last tournament of November. Man does time fly by when you having fun playing beach volleyball. To end off the long weekend before reality starts again, we have a coed 2’s tournament to offer. It’s our second to last coed tournament of the year so don’t miss out! Don’t forget! Advanced has cash prizes! To get you out of here early, so you have time to get ready for work on Monday, we will begin registration at 9:30am and start by 10. The NOVA Fee is required for this event
Early Registration by Wednesday at 11:59 pm for Intermediate is $25, and Advanced is $30. Registration by Friday at 12 pm (Online Registration Closes) Intermediate is $27.50, and Advance is $32.50. Day of registration for Intermediate is $30.00, and Advanced is $35.00. As always your $20 annual NOVA fee is required, and you can take care of that the morning of the tourney – includes an event t-shirt!.
Bookings are closed for this event.