If a division is full. DO NOT register under the incorrect division. Your registration will not count. Please call Hot Shots to be added to the wait list if a division is full.
Teams as of: 12/29
Advanced 3’s | kyle | z |
Advanced 3’s | cam | m |
Advanced 3’s | zach | na |
Advanced 3’s | Sean | Fleming |
Advanced 3’s | Matt | Sutherland |
Advanced 3’s | TBD | n/a |
Advanced 3’s | Slow Hands | Jason |
Advanced 3’s | Man Hands | Mitch |
Advanced 3’s | Garden Salad | Garv |
Advanced 3’s | Joey | Preische |
Advanced 3’s | Jack | Bones |
Advanced 3’s | Brennan | Hoelperl |
Advanced 3’s | Josh | Bigford |
Advanced 3’s | Trevor | Cavaness |
Advanced 3’s | Ryan | Huberty |
Advanced 3’s | Eddie | Daoreuang |
Advanced 3’s | John | McCarty |
Advanced 3’s | Maikon | Montiero |
Intermediate 3’s | Karson | Bates |
Intermediate 3’s | Solen | Clark |
Intermediate 3’s | Donnie | Shearing |
Intermediate 3’s | Sam | G |
Intermediate 3’s | Andrew | W |
Intermediate 3’s | Wes | S |
Intermediate 3’s | Conner | Vangellow |
Intermediate 3’s | Parker | Vangellow |
Intermediate 3’s | Matt | Adams |
Intermediate 3’s | Chau | Nguyen |
Intermediate 3’s | Garrett | Kirk |
Intermediate 3’s | Greg | Humphrey |
Intermediate 3’s | Ken | Shultes |
Intermediate 3’s | Alissa | Borlaug |
Intermediate 3’s | Evan | Yes |
Intermediate 3’s | Luke | Zim |
Intermediate 3’s | Luke | Sullivan |
Intermediate 3’s | Ryan | Dejohn |
Intermediate 3’s | Cooper | Mehlenbacher |
Intermediate 3’s | Declan | Clays |
Intermediate 3’s | Chris | Clays |
Intermediate 3’s | Ricky | Hughson |
Intermediate 3’s | Marcus | Davic |
Intermediate 3’s | Toby | Decided |
Intermediate 3’s | Anna | Williams |
Intermediate 3’s | Ian | Williams |
Intermediate 3’s | Kyle | Reid |
Intermediate 3’s | Doug | Klueber |
Intermediate 3’s | Enrique | Flores |
Intermediate 3’s | TBD | Klueber |
Intermediate 3’s | Noel | Nieves |
Intermediate 3’s | Brady | Booher |
Intermediate 3’s | Jackson | Camblin |
Intermediate 3’s | Mikelly | Lmt |
Intermediate 3’s | Tbd ( Trish ) | Kelly |
Intermediate 3’s | Tbd ( Jill ) | Kelly |
Intermediate 3’s | Matt | C |
Intermediate 3’s | Dan | B |
Intermediate 3’s | Mike | C |
Intermediate 3’s | Lucas | Pynn |
Intermediate 3’s | Nick | Czapla |
Intermediate 3’s | Liam | O’Keefe |
Intermediate 3’s | Paul | Lampanaro |
Intermediate 3’s | Ben | Zipprich |
Intermediate 3’s | Nate | Gadoury |
Intermediate 3’s | Angry | Ray |
Intermediate 3’s | Jeff | McGuinness |
Intermediate 3’s | Matt | McGuinness |
Intermediate 3’s | Luke | LeClair |
Intermediate 3’s | Cole | Gorman |
Intermediate 3’s | Jake | Seklar |
Intermediate 3’s | Sam | Zagrobelny |
Intermediate 3’s | Thomas | Zagrobelny |
Intermediate 3’s | Sponge | Bob |
Intermediate 3’s | Sam | n/a |
Intermediate 3’s | Anthony | n/a |
Intermediate 3’s | Kenny!!! | n/a |
Intermediate 3’s | Adam | Cornman |
Intermediate 3’s | Zach | Sculley |
Intermediate 3’s | Elijah | Johnson |
Bookings are closed for this event.