Online registration is now closed. We may be able to squeeze a couple more teams in. So, please call Hot Shots for availability.
It’s time for some 2’s. Men’s and Women’s advanced will be this weekend. So, there is no way to sandbag this week Find yourself a partner a register early. First division to 10 teams gets the third court! Check in will begin at 9:30am. The tournament will start at 10am. The NOVA Fee is required for this event.
Teams as of 2/11 at 10:00am
Mike Voelkl/Stefan Mickol
Kyle Coburn/Ben De La Cruz
Richard Pollock/Dustin Hagin
Jason Barbuto/Zach Sullivan
Cameron Brown/Sam Bitker
Tyler Farnung/Alex Houghtalen
Brendan Merna/Cameron Bracken
Greg Humphry/Garrett Kirk
Joshua Rodgers/ Christian Arquette
Eddie Daoreuang/ Randy Bittner
Matt Strobel/Cooper Mehlenbacher
Melissa Newcomb/Alex Frank
Pam Polashenski/Tallis Polashenski
Cassidy Oswald/Stephanie Schriber
Christina Pelletier/Melissa Kline
Theresa Goehle/Mackenzie Cook
Jill Ricci/Carly
Elizabeth Olsen/Justine Manalastas
Kristina Kizer/ Trisha Kirsch
Chrissy Allen/ Lauren Mulvehill
Bookings are closed for this event.