
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


Charlotte Beach
4650 Lake Ave , Rochester , NY , 14612, Monroe
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Getting down with the second installment of the Miller Lite Open. On Saturday we got an advanced and intermediate 2’s tournament. There will be a men’s division and a women’s division. Make sure you pack your cooler with tons of Miller lite, water, and pickles ‘cause they are good for your muscles. Check in will be at 8:30 am sharp. Remember NOVA membership is required, if you need to register for the first time or just need to re-up, Uncle Rog can take care of you the morning of. Registration by Wednesday at 11:59 pm for Jr’s is $20, Intermediate is $25, and Advanced is $30. Registration by Friday at 12 pm (Online Registration Closes) for Jrs is $22.50 Intermediate is $27.50, and Advance is $32.50. Day of registration for Jrs is $25, Intermediate is $30.00, and Advanced is $35.00.  As always your $20 annual NOVA fee is required, and you can take care of that the morning of the tourney – includes an event t-shirt!! !



Bookings are closed for this event.